God has created our family with a unique dynamic of personal challenges. We have faced them as a family with tears of sorrow and a feeling of loss, followed by tears of joy and a knowing that God is with us every step of the journey. Our three children have each been handed their own neurobiological brain disorder and the individual hoopla that comes with such a medical condition. We have been blessed to discover the specialness of each of our children and we have learned how to best help them live successfully in this world. Some days we float through feeling light and carefree, yet other days we trudge through with such heaviness to endure. As parents, we have run through the gamut of emotions: sadness, confusion, guilt, despair, anger, happiness, joy, love. On any given day we are a good mix of all of it. We have questioned God, only to be reminded that He is with us and there is a plan in all of this that we just are not privy to. So, we TRUST... and pray.... and seek comfort in the support of you - our friends. The last years have been hard, eye-opening, challenging, AND full of opportunity. We have learned to understand our children and how to parent them in a way that "fits". Oh, yes, we still have very frustrating moments... but they have been reduced to just moments, not days. Okay, sharing all of this has been both draining and liberating at the same time. If you have made it this far, we thank you for your interest in our family. We appreciate your understanding, caring and support - it means the world to us. We will continue to share more details as our hearts will allow.
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