Oh my! How is it that no matter how hard I try, I ALWAYS end up making such a mess of the house as I am actually trying to clean and organize it?? I am sitting here at two o'clock in the morning wondering how did I create such chaos today. Tomorrow morning is the Oklahoma vs. Texas game... Go Sooners! I have so much stuff to get out of the way before we can even get settled in to watch the game. Praises for TIVO - so we can start recording the game if we are not ready at 9am.
I feel a sense of accomplishment, yet I know how much more there is left to do. Our Fall Break from school ends on Tuesday, I better get busy finishing up all of these projects I am smack in the middle of before I head back to the preschool classroom.. Will I never learn to tackle only one small area at a time? I get sidetracked until I have created a big ole' mess and then get too worn out to get everything put back together before a day is over. I do know that when it is all done I will be SO much more content. Clutter in my house makes clutter in my spirit. I find it harder to enjoy the life when I am surrounded by too much stuff. Guess I better get some zzzzzzz's, tomorrow is already here, lol!
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