Happy, happy day! I am so thankful that God blessed us with a wonderful day. I needed this so much! Prayers are being answered!
The kids all got along for the whole entire day! No, really they did!! We have left the Lord of the Rings Monopoly game (from Jordon's birthday) set up on a folding table in the kitchen all week long and the kids have spent so much time playing it together. We also have recently acquired three sets of roller blades: one pair from our friends and found the other two pair while treasure hunting at Goodwill. So three pair of blades for a grand total of $8.00. The kids have been having a blast practicing their skating skills. Yes, we let them skate in the house today... I KNOW it is not a good idea, but we were having such a grand day that I was able to set aside my usual "can't do that in the house" attitude and just let them continue the fun. I am proud that I didn't get in the way "for safety sake". Once they got a bit more confident in their skills, they did a little bit of skating outside, too. Then they played Frisbee until it was getting dark. We even got them to come inside without difficulty, AND take showers before sharing in a yummy apple crisp I cooked up today. By 9pm all three were in pjs, night meds taken, teeth brushed, and off to bed. Wow! Really... I am not making this up. I know that God gifted us with this beautiful day. I am a realist, so I am fully aware that every day will not like this... however, WOW! What a day!
The day started off with a lab appointment for Jensyn at 10:30. She was still in bed asleep at 10am, eeks!, but she woke up moments later and got ready to go pretty quickly. She was not excited to go to the lab (who is?). I was certain that she would be frantic about not getting to eat breakfast, so I packed her a snack of cheese and crackers and fresh strawberries to eat on the way home. She survived the lab... no tears! Way to go, Jensyn!
Also, today was the first day of changing how she has been taking her meds. Instead of everything being taken at bedtime, we are now able to divide it into three doses. It made such a difference today, SUCH a difference! I am beside myself with joy about today. Yes, please do feel free to remind me of this day on days (like yesterday)that I am feeling steamrolled.
I don't even have the words to express my thanks to all of you who have been lifting us in prayer. We completely felt the results of your prayers today. xoxoxoxoxo
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