Happy Birthday, Jordon! So hard to believe that our first-born son is going to be 12years old tomorrow - wow!
Every year I make a special birthday cake for each of the kids. I'd show you the pics from last year, but when I went to download them, the memory card gave me the message that it was unreadable....grrrr, so much for treasured pictures.
I am happy that I DO have pictures for this birthday - Einstein! I have never had so much fun creating a cake. It was my first experience using marshmallow fondant, such a BLAST! It is a simple recipe with marshmallows, powdered sugar, and water. Trying to choose a design that would be a total surprise was challenging. Jordon loves Star Wars and I had already made a Yoda cake (10th birthday) and a Light Saber cake last year (11). However, he has great interest in Einstein and actually just finished a project for school about Einstein. It seemed like a great idea, so WAH-LA, the Einstein cake was born. I made the fondant on Sunday because it is supposed to sit for 24 hours in the fridge. Yesterday, I started sculpting the pieces for the face: nose, eyes, ears, mouth.... ever so carefully working the fondant and working in the colorings that I needed. I hid the pieces in a container in the bottom drawer of the fridge to keep them top secret and safe. Guess what...I got up this morning to bake the cake and put the whole thing together - WHAT HAPPENED?????? The container was EMPTY, I kid you not! After many tears on my part and a not so loving voice...I found out that Jaidon (almost 8) had EATEN them when he got up early. OH NOoooooo YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After recovering from the shock of it all, I actually had enough fondant to re-create all the pieces for Einstein's face - Praise God!
We ended up enjoying this cake today instead of waiting until tomorrow... just to ensure that Einstein wouldn't disappear! The look on Jordon's face was priceless! I love that boy!!!
Can you figure out what the hair is made of??????
(cotton candy)
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